
Two Drunks, One Sofa, Wrong House


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Not every day do you awake to find two random strangers sitting on your sofa, chatting away, smashed off their heads. In what is this year’s oddest police investigation, it was found that the two had not noticed they were in the wrong house.

It was in the past few days that police in Nanjing received the bizarre call for help. A homeowner reported to them that during their sleep they had heard someone enter their home.

The homeowner, a semi-elderly lady, ventured out of the bedroom to investigate the source of the noise. She found two men sitting on her own sofa, whereupon one of them scampered.

In a video report posted online by media outlet, The Paper, the home owner spoke of her reaction upon finding the pair sitting on their sofa. “I said, ‘Who are you? Why did you open my door?’”

While one of the men immediately took flight, the other remained behind in the house. His vision had been severely impaired by the excessive amount of alcohol he had consumed.

It transpired that the owners had mistakenly left their door unlocked that night. Investigating officers are said to have also “educated” the two men, presumably as to the location of their home.

While most incidents involving drunken behaviour may simply just roll the eyes, there are also those which raise the eyebrows. In another bizarre case, in February of 2018, an inebriated young lady took issue with a sports car on display in a mall in the Hexi area of Nanjing.

The girl kicked the front of the vehicle seven or eight times, causing considerable damage to its paintwork. She then removed her boot and flung it at the driver’s door window.

The attack, of which the lady had no recollection the following day, had put a ¥150,000 dent in the value of the car, it requiring to be sold as second hand.

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