
Take to the Air Raid Shelters! The Bombs of Summer are Falling


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Call them air-raid shelters, bomb-proof bunkers or civil-air defences, we’ve reached the time of year when our city opens the doors of such war-time facilities, for fear of a near-constant threat, from the annual attack by Nanjing’s summer.

This past Sunday, 11 July, marked the official start of the peak in Nanjing’s 2021 heat wave. And we would probably all agree that this year is a hot one. Hence, six former air-raid shelters are now open for business in providing a cool refuge for all Nanjingers.

It was back in 2012 when the idea won approval from the local government. A number of shelters identified as suitable were spruced up and given a lick of white paint. Some were even provided with pine wooden furniture.

The new air-raid shelters were an immediate hit. As well as being something different to do and a way to cool off, tourists love them for their historical value, while sanitation workers and others who toil outside find them to be lifesavers.

This year, visitors can enjoy complimentary water and wifi, pick up a newspaper to pass the time or just watch TV. Where space allows, desks are provided for those looking to get a spot of work done and some are even equipped with toilets.

A student told reporters for the Yangtze Evening News that his father was working nearby and his mother took him to the air-raid shelter to have a rest. “It’s cool to watch TV and drink free water here”, said the student.

Prior to the shelters getting their makeover, many were nevertheless still in use during the summer, but largely only by local vendors storing fruit and other perishables. They were also veritable dungeons and chilling reminders of a world at war.

The (nicer) shelters are open to the public free of charge daily, mainly from 09:00 to 17:00. A valid green health code and travel code is required upon entry. 

Experience the cool of Nanjing’s air-raid shelters in 2021 at the following locations:

  • Jiming Temple, Xuanwu District (玄武区鸡鸣寺)
  • North Gate, Yuhua Martyrs Cemetery, Yuhuatai District (雨花台区雨花台烈士陵园北门旁)
  • Shangyier Village Residential Community, Yuhuatai District (梅山上怡二村小区)
  • Gate 4, Shizishan, Gulou District (鼓楼区狮子山4号口)
  • 338 Yuandong Lu, Yanjiang Industrial Development Zone, Liuhe District (六合区沿江工业开发区园东路338号)
  • 229 Guangzhou Lu, Gulou District (鼓楼区广州路229号)
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