
Schistosomiasis Alert; Nanjing Warns Citizens be on Flood Guard


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With water levels in the Yangtze River around Nanjing now at dangerously high levels during the annual flood season, so local authorities are warning of the dangers lurking therein, specifically, the threat from schistosomiasis posed to citizens.

Nanjing has not seen a schistosomiasis infection in quite a number of years. Yet, it is worth remembering that we live in a part of the world where contaminated water and flooding are both commonplace.

As to the contamination, schistosomes are the parasites responsible for schistosomiasis, that also goes by the name bilharzia and snail fever. The Carter Centre, set up by former US President, Jimmy Carter, together with his wife, Rosalynn, says, “In terms of socioeconomic and public health impact, schistosomiasis is second only to malaria as the most devastating parasitic disease in tropical countries”.

Most commonly found in children in developing countries who play in or around contaminated water, the most common symptoms are blood in the urine and/or feces, together with an enlarged liver, abdominal pain, anemia, diarrhea and weakness.

While the threat to us here in Nanjing remains minimal, with the flood waters rising this is not the time for apathy.

At 10 am this past Saturday, 11 July, the water flow of the Yangtze River in some parts surpassed 80,000 cubic metres per second, reported the Yangtze Evening News. Such levels prompted the Jiangsu Provincial Early Warning Information Release Centre to issue an orange warning at 1 pm the same day.

Hence the decision by the Nanjing Centre for Disease Control and Prevention to issue an important reminder to the general public. While river waters remain relatively safe to touch, people should look out for “Schistosomiasis Warning” (血防警示) signs near bodies of water. Young children especially, should not be permitted to play near any such area. Any thoughts of swimming, washing or drinking therein should not be entertained.

Together with our own Jiangsu, The Paper reports that the provinces of Anhui, Hubei, Hunan and Jiangxi, known as “water provinces” on account of their great number of lakes, are also now risk areas for schistosomiasis.

Those travelling to rural parts of these areas during the flood season should also beware showers that take unfiltered water directly from lakes or rivers.

Most common in Africa, elsewhere in Asia, schistosomiasis is also found in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos and the Philippines. While schistosomiasis symptoms often disappear by themselves within a few weeks, it remains important to have treatment as the parasite may not evacuate the body, leading to long-term problems.

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