
Roman shot in the arm for Nanjing Museum


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The idyllic Roman town of Colchester in England has found itself in the middle of on online outcry over its council’s decision to hand over £75,000 to the Nanjing government.

As the oldest town in Great Britain, Colchester attracts a large number of visitors, many of whom visit the town’s plentiful public art exhibition space. One such location, Colchester Castle, built in 1069 on the orders of William the Conqueror, is hosting the “Treasures of China” exhibition comprising 70 priceless artifacts borrowed from Nanjing Museum that include a 2,000 year old jade body shroud. 

The controversy has arisen over the fact that a fee totaling £150,000 should be paid to the Nanjing Museum. While Colchester Council is providing half the money, the other £75,000 is stumped up by Essex County Council. However, both stand to recoup the same amount as Nanjing is promising to pay for an Roman exhibition with items on loan from Colchester in 2013 or 2014. 

Paul Smith, the Colchester councillor responsible for business and resources, displayed confidence that the Nanjing government would not renegade on its commitment to cough up the cash when the time comes, saying, “We have a long-standing relationship with this museum. It would be unlikely we would be left out of pocket, but theoretically it could happen.”

“Even if it did, we would have the benefit of the exhibits and extra revenue generated from them, which would off-set the loan fee.”

Nevertheless, there are many doubters in the UK that the Chinese will stand by such a pledge, especially given the distant time frame involved. One commenter said, “IF the figures are correct, great. But I’m sure this will be of no comfort to the scores of elderly people stuck in hospital tonight, unable to go home because of cutbacks in care budgets.” They were quickly rebuffed; “Colchester Borough Council doesn’t fund hospitals, that’s the NHS, so that’s a ridiculous comparison.”

The online world can also always be counted on for a great variety of views; “£75k? We could have all had some free prawn crackers for that”, while another commented, “Well I suppose it’s better than a lesbian awareness workshop and diversity courses for the bin men”.

The Nanjing Museum, located next to the city’s Zhongshan Gate, is China’s second largest museum and along with Beijing, the two are the mainland’s only national-level museums (bowuyuan as opposed to bowuguan). Currently under renovation, the exhibition in Colchester provides a handy little extra income that can be drawn from the artifacts that would otherwise be in storage. Upon completion the renovated museum shall occupy a staggering 80,000 square metres; plenty of space to house a toga or too.

The Treasures of China exhibition opens in Colchester Castle today, 30th June, and runs until 7th January 2013.

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