
Quarantine Arrangements for Flights Arriving in Nanjing


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With the threat of Covid-19 diminishing daily, so arrangements are in place for those returning by air to Nanjing. The good news is that a period of self quarantine is no longer required. The bad news is there are exceptions.

Almost a month ago, many a foreigner in Nanjing, perhaps with their family, departed to spend Chinese New Year in warmer climes. In 2020, Thailand has been a popular choice. Now however, with the prospect of schools recommencing, so the time to return is imminent.

The Nanjinger spoke with a representative of Nanjing Lukou International Airport who works in the international scheduling department. He confirmed the following arrangements.

Passengers on all flights to Nanjing shall have their temperature checked twice; once on the plane and once on arrival. There will be other arrangements in place at the airport of departure. Such are out with the purview of Nanjing Lukou International Airport.

All passengers, for whom both temperature checks return a result of less than 37.3 degrees Celcius, shall be free to leave the airport.

The exceptions apply to passengers who do not pass both temperature checks, and to all passengers seated in the same row, as well as three rows in front and behind of anyone who does not pass the checks.

In such an instance, the fevered passenger(s) shall be immediately isolated and taken to a designated medical facility. The aforementioned seated nearby shall be isolated and transported to hotels downtown for quarantine. Once the fevered pass(es) additional tests to rule out the possibility of Covid-19, the quarantine shall immediately be lifted and all passengers shall be free to go.

Note that all people affected will be individually quarantined, to avoid the risk of cross infection. Should the quarantine come full term, the passengers shall be free to go after passing additional temperature checks.

In addition, passengers who record an irregular temperature in both checks (e.g. 35.9 on the plane and 37.2 on arrival) should also pay special note. They shall be free to leave the airport but are strongly suggested to monitor their temperature themselves at frequent intervals.

A final exception is reserved for anyone who has in the last 14 days travelled to a high-risk area, such as Hubei Province. In such circumstances, the 14-day quarantine must be completed in Nanjing.

The process is identical for all arriving flights, whether they be international or domestic. After all, the virus knows no boundaries or nationalities.

There are no exceptions. No announcement has yet been made regarding a stop date to the arrangements.

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