
Pukou SWAT Police Strangle Wild Boar in Hospital


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This Wednesday, 30 August, Pukou hospital cleaner Ms. Ye spotted a wild boar reportedly snorting around the pharmacy in the Accident and Emergency department.

Ye attempted to fend off the beast and pull it away. Talking with The Cover News, she said, “I was trying to protect a child who got too scared and fell on the floor. I wanted to distract the boar but I was not fast enough to dodge it”. The act, that was of little help to the child, enraged the boar, which then bit her left knee and calves.

It was at this point that as many as 12 SWAT police and four policemen were called in to help with the situation. Jiangsu TV footage captures the moment police caught the boar hiding in a bike garage. Placing a noose on a pole around its neck and after a 15-minute stand off, the boar was finally strangled.

Hospital security casually mentioned that onlookers said they had seen the wild boar wandering around a nearby park the day before. 

Ms. Ye was later treated for her injuries at the hospital and remains in a stable condition. The boar was sent to the Forestry department for further “inspection”. 

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