
Nanjing’s Bars & Gyms Begin Reopening their Doors!


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School’s back tomorrow, or rather it should be. And so should many other places that we frequent. Among those most missed, gyms and bars. But when can we expect them to reopen their doors? The short answer is any day now. And for a lucky few, that day is today. 

For the schools though, plans announced call for students to watch pre-approved educational videos, while online teaching is also being implemented in junior-middle schools and senior-high schools.

This will last at least until 7 September, reports The Paper. And as experience last year showed, schools may not be open proper for some time after.

But where does that leave the adults? The 11th Circular, Notice on Strengthening Regular Epidemic Prevention and Control Work, provides some of the answers.

While places such as tourist attractions and sporting venues have been opening up in Nanjing, albeit with restricted visitor numbers, for indoor spaces, there are other requirements.

In particular, the Circular states, “Confined places (KTV, theatres, cinemas, gyms, indoor swimming pools, bars, bathing places, mahjong halls, chess and card rooms, internet bars, etc.), tourist attractions’ indoor areas (museums included) and indoor sports venues, etc., will be reopened in an orderly manner when the whole province is rated as a low-risk area”.

And low risk the entire province now is. Not so-distant Yangzhou, which experienced the biggest COVID outbreak after Nanjing, has not seen a new case in almost a week now.

And so many may happily soon be breaking out their gym bag. Some gyms in the city shall reportedly be open for business again tomorrow, while The Nanjinger has learned that Perfection Gym in Xianlin expect to receive permission to reopen in a few days.

Other parts of the city, particularly Jiangning District and Lukou therein, may likely have to wait a little longer.

When it comes to bars, the situation depends upon their classification. Restaurants which also serve alcohol are open once again, but places categorised as “entertainment venues” (which include bars) are subject to the aforementioned opening “in an orderly manner”.

Meeting the requirements is that firm favourite of the international community in Nanjing, Finnegans Wake, which reopened its downtown doors at lunchtime today. Its second location in Jiangbei New Area will be up and running again tomorrow.

For some of the other bars in the city, having been shut to thirsty customers for more than a month, keeping them “orderly” might turn out to be the most challenging hurdle of all.

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