
Nanjing to be Home for Health Data for 300 Million


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The Nanjing government has released information regarding massive reforms to how healthcare information is stored.

By 2020, every Nanjinger’s personal medical record will be uploaded to the cloud. The largest and most immediate impact of this on local residents is they will be able to go to any hospital in Nanjing without having to go through the dreaded registration procedure, because all medical information will be accessible to doctors online.

All this information may be in the cloud, but that cloud still needs a physical home.

The new plan is just a small part of a big data project that shall be based in the burgeoning Jiangbei New Area that occupies a large swathe of Nanjing’s Pukou District on the northern banks of the Yangtze River.

In addition to medical records, it is also hoped to store genetic information about every individual in the plan that will encompass some 300 million people living throughout the Yangtze River Delta, including Shanghai residents.

By analysing such a huge amount of data, more effective ways of providing treatment for conditions such as cancer and rare diseases can also be determined.

The “Family Doctor System and Community Health Management” system, as it is being called, shall be rolled out by the Nanjing Community Sanitary Service Centre before 2020.

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