
Nanjing Reports Zero New Cases; 1,000+ Cured Each Day Nationally


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Nanjing reported Friday that there had been no new local cases of Covid-19 discovered in the previous 24 hours. A similar picture is emerging on a national level, where the number of patients being cured now exceeds 1,000 per day.

Today may well be the turning point. At least that’s what it feels like in Nanjing, as the Provincial Health Commission announced on 15 February, at 04:00, that there were no new confirmed Covid-19 cases in the city.

On a national level, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported yesterday that 13 February saw 5,090 confirmed new cases, 121 fatalities and 1,081 cured and discharged. The fatalities comprised 116 in Hubei Province, two in Heilongjiang Province, one in Anhui Province, one in Henan Province and one in Chongqing Municipality.

Nanjing now has 91 confirmed cases of the new coronavirus, broken down as follows.

  • 51 males; 40 females
  • 37 with a history of living or travelling in Hubei
  • 16 with a history of living or travelling outside Hubei
  • 38 with a history of close contact with a confirmed case

It is further estimated that 60 of the cases were caused by family dinners around Chinese New Year.

As a result of these figures, the general public are reminded to address the possibility of cross infection by avoiding gatherings and crowded places.

Everyone returning to Nanjing is recommended to undertake home observation for 14 days. Those coming from high-incidence areas, such as Hubei, or those who have passed through a high-incidence area, should report to their community committee immediately upon their return, and undergo the necessary medical checks. A 14 day home observation is then mandatory.

Should any suspicious symptoms occur during home observation, such as fever, cough, sore throat, chest tightness, dyspnea, fatigue or diarrhoea, immediately call 120 or contact a community representative for a dedicated vehicle and transport to a fever clinic.

Away from Nanjing, the number of newly confirmed cases outside Hubei dropped to 267, marking a 10-day period of decline. From 3-12 February, the numbers of confirmed new cases each day were 890, 731, 707, 696, 558, 509, 444, 381, 377 and 312.

6 February marked the point when the number of cured patients surpassed that of fatalities.

World Leaders Commend China for Support of Her International Community

As leaders all over the globe have praised China for her efforts at epidemic prevention, Mokgweetsi Masisi, President of Botswana, has pointed out the treatment that foreigners have received.

Masisi said that the comprehensive and effective measures China has put in place protect not only Chinese people, but also the foreign nationals in China and beyond, and highlight a spirit of friendship, compassion and collaborative coexistence, revealed China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In Germany, State Councillor and Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, and German Foreign Minister, Heiko Maas, met at the China-Germany Strategic Dialogue on Diplomacy and Security in Berlin on 13 February. 

During the conference, Wang said, “Virus knows no borders and requires a collective global response. Mutual understanding, trust and support across national boundaries are what matters most in this battle to safeguard human health”.

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