
Nanjing Population Tops 10 Million; Only 2 Percent are Graduates


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Nanjing’s total population has topped 10 million for the first time, as census figures released also reveal gains in particular areas of the city, together with other insights into the 2019 figures, including data as to the educational level of the populace.

Yesterday, 23 March, saw the release of the official population figures for Nanjing by the Public Security Bureau. According to their statistics, at the end of 2019, the total population of Nanjing was 10,312,200.

The numbers require closer inspection. “Total” is the combination of the permanent and floating populations. The precise numbers for each are 7,098,200 and 3,124,000, respectively. 

In looking at the new population data, there are also three key takeaways as regards the various parts of Nanjing. In Jiangning District alone reside over 1 million of the floating population, while the biggest net gain is found in Jiangbei New Area, the State-level development zone that has a target population of 800,000. Overall, approximately 6 million people live in the main urban area of Nanjing.

It is important to differentiate between long-term residents and those with Nanjing as their registered place of residence on their “hukou” (household register). With an official number for long-term residents at 8,505,500, this means there are 1,407,300 people who are long-term residents but not Nanjing hukou holders. Neither do they form part of the floating population.

When it comes to education, 233,500 people in Nanjing (2.27 percent) have a graduate education or above, while 1,370,900 people (13.29 percent) hold an undergraduate education and 895,800 people (8.69 percent) have a junior college education. Together, the educated portion of Nanjing accounts for 24.25 percent of the total population.

Also reported yesterday by The Paper is the rise in the number of long-term residents. A total of 69,300 people were last year added to the 8,436,200 who called Nanjing home in 2018, representing the largest increase in Jiangsu Province last year.

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