
Motorbike Cop Helps Mum Get Son to Make “Nanwai” Exam on Time


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China’s wishes for a “harmonious society” are often manifest in surprising ways, as one lady in Nanjing recently found out, after a motorbike policeman put her on the back of his bike and sped across town so that her son may attend an important examination.

It was on Saturday, 15 January, that the lady’s son was to take an entrance examination for Nanjing Foreign Language School, also known by it’s Chinese abbreviation, “Nanwai”, at its campus on the city’s Beijing Dong Lu.

Only the young man was not able to enter the exam hall on account he had forgotten his ID card and left it at home.

It was 07:37. The boy’s mother realised that with rush hour traffic, there was simply no way she could return home for the ID card and be back in time.

Then the unnamed lady spotted the motorbike policeman, and realising there was no other hope, approached him for help.

The officer, a man of few words, simply got off his bike, opened the pannier and removed the spare helmet which motorbike police carry therein.

The lady then put on the helmet and hopped on the back of the bike, while the officer made preparations to leave.

Captured by the officer’s body cam, the entire heartwarming encounter has been released by the Yangtze Evening News and can be seen via this link.

Along the journey, the well-trained policeman uses his motorcycle skills to dodge in and out of traffic, while waving several commuting car drivers out of his way.

To get to the mother’s home and back again, this time with the ID card, took only 11 minutes, from the moment she first approached the officer.

The tight-lipped cop who saved the day and potentially the young lad’s future had only two words to say, as the lady rushed in the school’s gate to deliver her son’s ID card, offering her profuse thanks.

“It’s nothing.”

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