
Global Climbers to Crampon Up in Nanjing in May


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As the vertical challenge continues to grow in popularity the world over, proof of its solidifying boom in Nanjing can be found in the city’s hosting of the IFSC Climbing World Cup, Nanjing 2016, from 7-8 May.

Taking place at the Shuimodanian Country Leisure Resort in the Jiangbei New District north of the Yangtze River in Pukou, the IFSC Climbing World Cup in Nanjing shall feature four disciplines, namely Women Speed, Men Speed, Women Bouldering and Men Bouldering. 120 climbers from 20-30 countries are expected to participate. Previously, the area was used as a venue for the 2014 Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing.

It should noted however, to take with a pinch of salt any implication of exclusivity in the event’s name; two more IFSC Climbing World Cups are also taking place at this time; in Meiringen, Switzerland and in Chongqing in our very own China, plus others on an almost ongoing basis all over the world.

Nevertheless, the IFSC website is dubbing the Nanjing excursion as a “Master Event” and organisers are keen to open the event to the wider community. As a result, the general public are encouraged to come along and participate in organised tryouts and climbing games while enjoying an outdoor carnival atmosphere complete with professional DJ.

Those interested but unable to attend in person will be able to catch up on the goings on via daily reports on CCTV5 or a host of other media, both local and national.

The IFSC (International Federation of Sport Climbing) was created on 27 January, 2007, and is a continuation of the International Council for Competition Climbing, formed in 1997. The principal purposes of the IFSC are the direction, regulation, promotion, development and furtherance of climbing competitions on a worldwide basis. The IFSC has 76 Member Federations over five continents.

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