
Ex-Girlfriend Murder in Nanjing Mall


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Monday 23 July, 2018; a Nanjing police report released on Chinese social media today, regarding an ex-girlfriend murder, states, “An Anhui native has murdered his ex-girlfriend inside a furniture shop in a Nanjing city mall”.

On Jiangdong Zhong Lu at 10:00am, the pair were in a furniture shop in a mall in Nanjing’s Jianye district, when the man produced a knife and stabbed his ex-girlfriend in the main artery on her neck, killing her instantly.

The man then tried to kill himself, but was taken away by paramedics, who later saved his life. The man is now under custody; it remains unclear how he tried to kill himself, or what his motives for killing his ex-girlfriend were.

While violent crime is occurring more frequently almost all over the world, China has been praised repeatedly for its relatively low crime rate. Nanjing, in particular, has the reputation domestically of being one of the safest cities in China. Yet, recent data and local opinion are throwing this reputation into question. Just 2 weeks ago, The Nanjinger was far from alone in the reporting of the death of a young man from Pakistan, also the result of a stabbing incident.

Comparing Nanjing to that of Los Cabos, one cannot deny that Nanjing is still a very safe place. However, the fact remains that crime in Nanjing and China as a whole is on the rise. Under the category, “Crime increasing in the past 3 years”, Nanjing has shown a 47.06 “moderate” rise in crime, according to Serbia-based worldwide research data publisher, Numbeo.

When it comes to the overall level of crime, the same measure gives Nanjing a very favourable score of 14.71, which Numbeo describes as “very low”. With additional excellent scores for “Safety walking alone during daylight” (87.5) and “…night” (76.47), today’s ex-girlfriend murder report points to there being more to the incident than a former lovers’ tiff.

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