
Commendation for International Exchange Bridges


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Nanjing’s continued efforts to internationalise the city received a shot in the arm Saturday as Nanjing International Community Clubhouse was among those awarded the title of Cultural Exchange Base at the annual International Cultural Exchange Day held in Nanjing’s Baima Park.

Set out by the Department of Publicity of CPC Nanjing Committee, criteria for selection to be one of the entities awarded title of Cultural Exchange Base includes a process of initial selection, on-site evaluation, experts’ review, governmental examination and press announcement. The process took approximately four months, during which each candidate should continue to offer, as the brochure puts it, “rich and innovative cultural exchanges”.

With this accreditation, the NICC joins respected and well-known names such as the John Rabe and International Safety Zone Memorial Hall, Jiangning Imperial Silk Manufacturing Museum, Yaxi International Slow City and Laomendong Neighbourhood. NICC, owned by SinoConnexion, the operator of the Nanjing Expat brand name, offers activities such as Chinese and English classes, tea and wine tastings, ladies’ nights and public talks (see photos).

This year’s round of awards takes the total number of Cultural Exchange Bases in Nanjing to 79. The complete list of awardees for 2014 is as follows:

  • Jiangsu Fande Culture and Art Block
  • Laomendong Neighbourhood
  • American Merigold Culture and Art Centre
  • John Rabe and International Safety Zone Memorial Hall
  • Fangshan Culture and Art Creative Industry Park
  • Nanjing International Community Clubhouse
  • Cherry Garden of Peace and Friendship
  • Jiangning Imperial Silk Manufacturing Museum
  • Nanjing Luhe Pheonix Art Gallery
  • Nanjing No.1 High School
  • Confucius Temple Primary School
  • Laocui Tea House
  • Nanjing Taiping Heavenly Kingdom History Museum
  • Tianfei Palace
  • Yaxi International Slow City
  • Yuhua Cuizhuyuan Community Neighbourhood
  • Zhang Bin Erhu Performing Troupe


About NICC
Nanjing International Community Clubhouse has the aim of assisting the international community in Nanjing in enhancing their lives during their stay in the city.

Based in the British School of Nanjing, NICC provides activities, classes, events, programs and a service centre that together help to make life in Nanjing a lot more enjoyable, particularly for those who are new to the city or do not speak Chinese.

NICC throws open its doors, not only to foreign residents of Nanjing, but also to the wider international community; the local ayis, drivers and doctors plus many others without whom life for foreigners in China would be difficult, if not impossible.

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