
Catch the National Geographic Exhibition in Nanjing


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Many of these will look familiar. Images spanning over a century of the world’s finest photojournalism. Being in the magazine business, it would almost be an offence for us not to sit up and take notice. And want to share said imagery with you.

National Geographic has 191 million followers on Instagram. That’s more than anyone who’s not a celebrity. Our guess is more than a few of them will no doubt be up for a visit to the exhibition in the coming days.

Two large iconic yellow boxes on the ground floor of IST greet and guide visitors up the escalator. 100 percent bilingual throughout, the expo takes visitors through six distinct themed displays; National Geographic Identity, Beautiful Face of the Earth, Most Mysterious, Into the Unknown, Panorama and Environmental Consciousness.

All in all, this is a collection of the most awe-inspiring images that have ever captivated the human consciousness; Earthrise, the sunken bow of the Titanic, a 6 metre-long 360 degree view of the Milky Way, the 12-year-old Afghan girl. To be Frank, seeing all these in large format literally took my breath away this afternoon.

There is also an inspiring English-language video, accompanied by Chinese subtitles, telling the story of National Geographic since its founding in 1888, complimenting the exhibition nicely and turning any visit into a fine educational opportunity.

Tickets are priced from ¥66 to ¥238. Admission is free for children under 0.8 metres in height.

With a local language edition of the National Geographic magazine available in China since 2007, there will no shortage of visitors to the exhibition. The Nanjinger recommends to visit at off-peak times and to purchase discounted tickets in advance.

To date, All About National Geographic has visited Beijing, Changsha, Chengdu, Dalian, Hangzhou, Shanghai and Suzhou. Now it’s our turn, after which the expo shall be appearing in Wuhan.

Perhaps The Nanjinger should consider something like this one day. NAT GEO might have done a few more than us, but with 11 years under our belt now, we’re getting there.

IST is located at 100 Zhongshan Lu in Xinjiekou. The exhibition runs daily from 10:00 to 22:00 on 2F of IST Block A until 27 February, 2022.

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