
Bringing Indonesia to Nanjing; Still Time to See Culture Expo


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The magic of Indonesian batik is among the many examples of the country’s cultural heritage on display at a unique exhibition taking place in Nanjing that promises to be an opportunity to bring in 2022 with a difference.

“We bring Indonesia to Nanjing” is the theme of the Indonesian Cultural Heritage Exhibition being held at the Qinhuai Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum in Nanjing’s Qinhuai District.

The exhibition, which began on 12 December, highlights Indonesia’s cultural diversity through various cultural items.

Therein, the unique Indonesian characteristic but mysterious wooden masks, elegant shadow puppets and exquisite silver handicrafts.

Also on display are paintings created by artists from the prestigious Indonesia Institute of the Arts of Yogyakarta, that is the oldest and biggest art institute in Indonesia.

Then there are more daily usage items such as bookmarks, wallets, handbags and ornamental soaps, all displayed creatively in the lobby of the Museum.

But possible star of the show is the Indonesian batik. Like the China-originated tie-dye, batik is a method of resist dyeing. In batik’s case, wax is employed to prevent dyes from reaching parts of the material, by which relatively complex patterns are created. In 2009, UNESCO recognised the tradition of the island of Java as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity from Indonesia.

The exhibition was also visited this past Sunday, 26 December, by Consul General, Denny Kurnia, from the Indonesian Consulate General in Shanghai. Kurnia expressed his hopes to further promote Indonesia to the residents of Nanjing and all Nanjingers.

On hand were also a number of young Indonesians, drawn from Nanjing’s foreign student community, who contributed to the exhibition by performing Indonesian dances, drawing the interests of many visitors.

The exhibition, originally scheduled to conclude tomorrow, 30 December, has now been extended until 7 January. The Qinhuai Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum is located at 21 Chaoku Lu (秦淮区钞库街21号) in Nanjing’s Confucius Temple area.

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