
Botanical Dogs Stay off Spring Festival Boredom in Nanjing


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With all the Chinese New Year excitement finally over, it is now the time to work out what on earth to do over the next week. Nanjing’s top brass is aware of this, and so for those of us left behind in Nanjing at Spring Festival, there is, surprisingly, quiet a bit to keep us occupied, a lot of it albeit botanical, if only we can drag ourselves outdoors.

For this is the time of the year when Nanjing’s plum blossom begins to bloom. With the late Chinese New Year, the budding flowers bring an extra joy to the annual festivities.

Meihua Shan has traditionally been the place to flock in Nanjing when the buds blossom; the area near to Ming Xiaoling on the southern slopes of Purple Mountain is now home to 35,000 individual trees sporting the blossom, represented through 360 varieties spread over a 100 hectare area.

Elsewhere, Until 2 March, catch the Peony Flower Show that is being held in the scenic spot of Damu Cave, on the north side of Mufu Shan. Being one of China’s national flowers, the exhibition is sure to attract many visitors.

Xuanwu Lake Park is sporting a particularly festive look this New Year, with red lanterns, colourful flags, spring sculptures and decorated flower beds. Therein, a spring flowers exhibition is also welcoming visitors in the Bonsai Garden Pavillion.

For The Nanjinger, we most fancy the Zodiacal Exhibition of the Dog, being held at Nanjing Zhongshan Botanical Garden until 20 March. Witness Foxtail Lillies and Dog-tooth Violets accompanied by Golden Retriever puppies, and come to an appreciation that many such dog ​​plants also have some medicinal value.

The botanical aside, other attractions worthy of note include the Nuishou Shan Cultural Tourism Scenic Area that is offering various discounts on admission to those who bring a dog, while various canine services are also on hand.

The next few days are certainly shaping up to be unusually busy by Spring Festival standards. For ticketed attractions, travel portal Ctrip is expecting bookings via mobile phones to account for 95 percent of advance ticket sales for the peak period of 17-19 February, reports the Yangtze Evening Post. Taking into account the Chinese New Year holiday period as a whole, The Ministry of Transport has said that the total number of journeys made this year shall reach 2.97 billion, which, according to The Nanjinger’s rudimentary math, is one return journey for every human being in China.

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