
25 Medium Risk Areas & Closed Scenic Spots Start Nanjing’s Week


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With the double threat posed by rising COVID infections and typhoons bearing down on us, Nanjing’s citizens have been keeping off the streets today; even the usually packed-to-the-gunnels city of centre of Xinjiekou was deserted.

It’s all a bit reminiscent of last February, when COVID was at its peak. Then, among the many places closed to the public were Nanjing’s scenic spots and tourist attractions. And it was announced this morning that now too, those same places are to be shuttered immediately.

But not this time around because of COVID (although it’s still likely a relief to our city’s stressed-out authorities). This time it’s because Typhoon Fireworks (烟花) is on its way to us. And judging by some of the scenes emerging from cities such as Ningbo and Shanghai, we could be in for a few exceedingly wet days.

In addition to the many flood prevention measures going in place, the public are also reminded as to their personal safety when lightning strikes.

If caught outside, do not shelter under trees, avoid any electrical installations and keep well away from water. Under no circumstances go out in a boat on open water. That’s asking for trouble. Even concrete poses a threat as it is very often reinforced with steel wires therein. Therefore don’t lean on a concrete structure; it is not offering the protection it might suggest.

At home, remember that plumbing inside buildings can be a conduit to lightning. Therefore, do not have a shower or a bath and put off washing the dishes. And do not use corded electrical appliances of any kind. Binge watching TV shows on a smartphone is the safest choice.

Following is the complete list of closed scenic spots and attractions, as reported by Jiangsu Micro Tourism (江苏微旅游).

  • Nanjing Xuanwu Lake (南京玄武湖景区)
  • Yuhuatai Memorial Park of Revolutionary Martyrs (雨花台烈士陵园)
  • Nanjing Purple Mountain (南京钟山风景名胜区) and all spots therein
  • Presidential Palace (总统府景区)
  • Nanjing Confucius Temple Dachang Hall (南京夫子庙大成殿)
  • Wang Daoxie’an Memorial Hall (王导谢安纪念馆)
  • Li Xiangjun’s Former Residence Exhibition Hall (李香君故居陈列馆)
  • Outer Qinhuai River Cruise (外秦淮河游船)
  • Nanjing Zhongshan Botanical Garden (南京中山植物园)
  • Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo (南京红山森林动物园)
  • Nanjing Mochou Lake (南京莫愁湖景区)
  • Nanjing Happy Valley (南京欢乐谷)
  • Nanjing Ginkgo Lake Park (南京银杏湖乐园)
  • Niushou Shan Cultural Tourism Area (牛首三文化旅游区)
  • Nanjing Jubao Shan Park (南京聚宝山公园)
  • Nanjing Qixia Mountain (南京栖霞山)
  • Nanjing Muyan Binjiang Scenic Area (南京幕燕滨江风貌区) 
  • Nanjing Ten Dynasties Historical & Cultural Exhibition Hall (南京十朝历史文化陈列馆)
  • Nanjing Pukou scenic spots, including (but not limited to) Pearl Spring Park, Yufa Ecotourism Area, Laoshan National Forest Park, Shuimo Danian, Qiuyu Mountain Cultural Celebrity Memorial Hall, Shuxiang Tourism Area, Bulao village and Xigenglian Township (南京浦口各景区 [珍珠泉风景区、雨发生态旅游区、老山国家森林公园、水墨大埝、求雨山文化名人纪念馆、草圣书乡旅游区、不老村、西埂莲乡])
  • Some scenic spots in Liuhe District, including (but not limited to) Jinniu Lake Scenic Spot, Jinniu Lake Wildlife Kingdom, Guabu Mountain Scenic Area and Guizi Hill Stone Pillar Forest (南京六合部分景区 [金牛湖景区、金牛湖野生动物王国、瓜埠山景区、桂子山石柱林等])

Those who have reserved tickets for any of the affected scenic spots for July 27 and later should go through the cancellation procedures in the booking channel originally used. No dates have been announced as to reopening.

Elsewhere, it has been announced that residents of COVID hotspot, Lukou Subdistrict of Jiangning, are today having their third nucleic-acid test (NAT), while the rest of the district will be queuing up tomorrow evening. 

This therefore implies the entire city of Nanjing will have had three NATs by Thursday morning. Just where nigh-on 30 million tests were hiding in storage remains a mystery to ponder.

This afternoon, PSA Nanjing (南京发布) has also this afternoon released an updated list of risk areas in Nanjing. Four are now categorised as “high risk” and 25 areas as “medium risk”. Click here for the latter.

Be mindful that this is no longer an airport problem; medium-risk areas are now also to be found in the districts of Gaochun, Jianye, Lishui, Qinhuai, Qixia and Xuanwu.

High-risk areas (all Jiangning District): The enclosed area of Lukou Subdistrict, comprising the area west of Lutong Lu, north of Dalianghe, east of the former East Lake Chijia Village and south of Qihang Avenue; Shinian Village in Lukou Subdistrict; the area enclosed by Baiyun Road Community, Maoting Community, Airport Community and Yongxing Community; and the adjoining Tongshan Community and Xie Village in Lukou Subdistrict.

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