
17 Hour Kidnap Ends in Nanjing; Girl Rescued By Police


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A young girl (Xiao Zhang) has been found at a hotel in Nanjing’s downtown Qixia District, after having been kidnapped and held for ransom for 17 hours.

The girl had been interning in neighbouring Wuhu, Anhui province, when she called her boyfriend via video chat. While walking and talking to her boyfriend, she was on her way back to the office when three men suddenly appeared and bundled her into a car.

At 7:10 in the evening of 22 December, the girl’s boyfriend (Xiao Lei) said all he could hear were her shouts for help and his girlfriend struggling against three men; after some time her phone went dead. Lei immediately called the Wuhu police and alerted them that his girlfriend had just been abducted.

After 40 minutes, Lei received a call from his girlfriend’s phone; the kidnappers demanding money as ransom. “The threat is for money, as long as the money [is] in place, do not be afraid, [we will] not touch her again”, said the kidnapper. The kidnappers demanded ¥100,000 for her release. Lei informed the police of the ransom demand.

Through video surveillance tracking, police found a white SUV vehicle travelling along Huizhou Road, with suspicious appearance and movements. Additionally, some people claimed they saw the suspected victim being pulled into same car.

Through video tracking, police later found the car moving towards Nanjing, where it eventually disappeared in Jiangning District. Wuhu police immediately dispatched police officers to Nanjing. At noon on the 23rd, and with the cooperation of the Nanjing police, officers arrested the suspects at a hotel in Nanjing’s Qixia District.

Under the guidance of these two suspects, the vehicle was found in a nearby mountain range. The police succeeded in subduing the last suspect; in addition to being dragged into the vehicle, the suspects had grabbed the girl by her neck and also injured her face, although the injuries were minor. At about 4 p.m. on the 23rd, the family of Zhang came to Wuhu. Lei and Zhang’s brother gave flowers to the police in thanks to their efforts.

According to police findings, the three suspects had gathered vehicles, electric shock sticks, rope, fake licenses, masks, and gloves and headed straight to Wuhu to commit the crime. At present, three suspects have been detained and the case is under further investigation.

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