
110 kg Nanjing Student Loses 40 kg in 3-Month Fitness Diet


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A student at Nanjing Tech University has revealed his secret for the ultimate weight loss. For many, there will be little surprise that the magic lies, not in a new-fangled food, but in nothing more than a good old fashioned fitness diet.

A junior at the School of Biological and Pharmaceutical Engineering in Nanjing Tech, Mei Jiang, lost 40 kg of his 110 kg in just 3 months, going on to lose another 10kg by the time his 1-year weight-loss regime was up, almost half his total body weight in all.

Mei’s remarkable achievement came to light as quite the scoop in Nanjing Tech’s inaugural University Student Reporter Challenge. “As for that life in the past, I was tired of it”, Mei said, recalling that he often had to go out half an hour earlier than others in order to arrive anywhere on time.

Mei therefore set himself a goal, a kind of fitness diet that would have him get up at 6 am every day to run 2 km, do another 5 km in the afternoon plus an additional 1 hour of other exercise. 

Some tamer local residents have described such a diet of fitness as “self abuse”, but the result has been physical changes in Mei that see him now with features that are sharp and angular, while there has also been significant change in his personality. He says he is now more generous in his treatment of others, while he also finds it easier to go with the flow. “I was often angry and remorseful at that time”, he recalled.

This is not the first time unusual but effective diets have come to light in our fair city. Just a year ago, The Nanjinger reported on the drivers along Nanjing’s longest bus route who spend 6 hours a day behind the wheel, with only a sip or two of water to sustain them.

In an impressive feat of abstinence, Mei confessed that he would control his cravings when waking up hungry in the middle of the night by watching food videos; he would see the programme host eating and imagine it was himself.

Moreover, Mei kept his fitness diet regime in check with one simple reminder; “Move the legs and control the mouth”.

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