
Contest! ¥2,000 Worth of Deliciousness up for Grabs at Foodgasm


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While we continue to grapple with the various uncertainties in all our lives, what’s needed is a little light relief. Time then for a competition to provide for a bit of daily fun and the chance to win some fabulous dining, beginning tomorrow!

The Nanjinger has teamed up with Foodgasm to give away ¥2,000 worth of Foodgasmic Mediterranean yumminess in the promotion, “Winning Time”. This takes the form of four sumptuous meals, each of your own choosing and up to ¥500 in value, with one to be won every week as we make our way through December.

Here’s how it works. From Tuesday to Friday, we shall each day reveal a part of the Winning Time in The Nanjinger’s post on its official WeChat account. 

For example, tomorrow we may reveal the digit, “2”. On Wednesday, it might be a “1” and on Thursday a “5”. If on Friday we then reveal the digit, “6”, you will have the Winning Time of 21:56. Simples!

That would then be the time at which you should send the message, “Foodgasm” (watch out for autocorrect), to The Nanjinger’s official WeChat account.

The sender of first message received each Friday at the Winning Time shall be taking their friends to Foodgasm!

Interested entrants can read more about Foodgasm in The Nanjinger’s recent review of the establishment by clicking here.

They should also note that the last time we did this, in December of last year, we received over 20 entries in the first second after the designated time. So have your wits about you. See you tomorrow and good luck!

You will need:

  1. To follow The Nanjinger official WeChat account by scanning the QR code below or by searching for the “TheNanjinger”
  2. To be sufficiently alert to check for each day’s Winning Time digit in the post released on The Nanjinger’s official account from Tuesday thru Friday. Posts are released on weekdays between 17:30 and 18:30
  3. To make a note of the red digit in the image much like that above by scrolling down through the WeChat post. We’d appreciate you enjoying one or two of our articles therein on your way as a mark of your gratitude for this opportunity (!)

Terms and Conditions:

  • Any one entrant may only win once
  • The winner shall each week be notified within 2 hours of the Winning Time by way of a reply to their entry on WeChat
  • Non winners shall not receive any notification
  • With the winners’ permission, their name shall be shared in The Nanjinger’s WeChat post released the following Monday
  • Photos of winners and their friends enjoying their meal that can be shared by The Nanjinger are encouraged but not required

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