
NIS Becomes 6th School Worldwide to Offer Global Citizen Diploma


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Yesterday, 12 November, saw an inspiring ceremony take place at Nanjing International School (NIS), as the launch celebration for the school’s rolling out of the Global Citizen Diploma (GCD), only the sixth school in the world to offer the unique qualification.

The GCD is a high school credential that recognises the many ways in which students are growing into global citizens. Through the GCD, students identify and validate the range of learning they have done, creating a platform for publication of these achievements with an audience beyond their immediate context. 

The various elements of the Global Citizen Diploma encourage students to move out of their comfort zones and foster a sense of self-awareness and self-directedness in relation to their experiences, both locally and globally. Ultimately, the learning journeys that students capture through the GCD demonstrate authentic engagement and action, and celebrate personal growth and change.

No stranger to accreditation, NIS, which celebrated its 25th anniversary last year, was also the first school in China to be fully authorised by the International Baccalaureate Organisation to offer the Primary Years (PYP), Middle Years (MYP) and Diploma Programs (DP).

Watched by parents and staff, students on stage told their own “campfire story”, each one beginning with one of the straplines of the GCD, “I could tell you about my grades…”, going on to show how their individual stories are so much more than numbers.

Through their intentional reflection, students develop a deeper understanding of who they are and that which they value, by capturing their individual stories and celebrating their growth. By identifying their passions, each student who earns the GCD becomes more inclined to act in an ethical and responsible way as a global citizen.

The Global Citizen Diploma was established in 2011 at Yokohama International School, with the first graduates in 2013. The GCD has since been adopted by like-minded international schools, who form a consortium with the aim of continuing the development of global citizenship education, collaborating on professional development and empowering student agency and voice. In 2018, Hong Kong Academy became the administrative centre for the GCD Consortium.

In addition to NIS and the above, the remaining three schools offering the Global Citizen Diploma at present are The American School of Bombay in Mumbai, India; Le jardin Academy in Hawaii, USA; and NIST International School in Bangkok, Thailand.

Beyond a list of class grades, the GCD offers a comprehensive view of student academic performance and co-curricular activities that can help identify best-fit candidates for a wealth of future opportunity, in education and beyond.

Speaking with The Nanjinger before yesterday evening’s ceremony, Ruth Clarke, Head of Middle School, said, “The GCD runs alongside the academic qualifications; it can’t be a substitute, it’s an enhancement. The GCD shows that you’re more than your grades. You can get those grades, and you can do all of these other things; you’re thoughtful, you’re intercultural, you understand different communities, you’re a global citizen”.

Will the GCD be recognised by universities?


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