
The Supplement

What’s in a Name? The Big Bear Cat, aka Panda

In China, the panda is known today as "daxiaongmao" (大熊猫) which literally translates as "big bear cat". In English, it is the giant panda bear. However, when looking closely at the Chinese name, one would be forgiven for questioning...

Along Beijing West Road Beats the Very Heart of Nanjing

Steeped in history, Beijing East and West Roads have since 1949 been home to the city’s most important government bodies and military bases. Considered to be the centre of Nanjing, sits the splendid Nanjing City People’s Municipal Government, located...

Jiangsu “Teacher Mums” Help Nurture Left-Behind Kids

Teachers in a Jiangsu town practice being a Teacher Mum, a phrase that has been coined to a number of teachers who have taken on an additional more nurturing role for the children who are “left-behind”. After China opened...

How a Non-Paying Train Passenger Made Me Doubt My Safety in China

It was 17:19 on a Friday evening and my train was departing Nanjing South Railway Station, headed for Shanghai. The seat next to me remained empty, so for the time being, I placed my magazine and bottle of water...

China’s Active Aunties; Square Dancing a Hit in Melbourne

Early morning China is when you see it the most: Tai Qi, Qi Gong, badminton, swimming, square dancing and more. Before the young'uns roll out of bed, their parents and grandparents have already spent 1 to 2 hours outside...

Dating Market; Tamed to Tether; Whackos and Wusses

Earlier in 2018, Sammi Zhao, a returnee and a holder of Australian permanent residence, slurped her drink and thudded the tall glass on a table at The Loop, a favourite hangout spot in Nanjing. Complaining about “the hell” she...

Cat Cafés; Cute or Commiserable?

The world’s first cat cafe, Cats’ Garden, was opened to the public in Taipei, Taiwan, in 1998. The concept soon gained international attention and blossomed in Japan, where a dense population in urban areas huddles in the small living...

Bevy of Shopping Holidays in Nation of No Vacation

Webster defines holiday as “a day on which one is exempted from work”. Academic rigour should only be to be taken with a grain of salt in a country where all rules are flexible, if you have the right...
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Foreigners Coming to Nanjing Return to Near Pre-COVID Levels

Certainly it can be felt on the streets of Nanjing these days. Our city is once again “en vogue”...

Just how has Suzhou become a Hotbed for the Private Economy?

Suzhou’s GDP in the 1st quarter of this year topped half a trillion renminbi, a year-on-year growth of 7.9...

Nanjing-Melbourne Flight Marks 45 Years as Sister State Friends

Check in counters might be the oddest of places to hold an anniversary celebration for 45 years of ties...
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News Snippets from Jiangsu