
The Supplement

Rock’n’Roll Finally on the Map in China; Only Took 35 Years

Rock'n'roll has traditionally always been held in low esteem in China, considered a cult for minorities. Now, however, it’s seeing the big time in the form of a new TV show, “The Big Band”, following in the footsteps of...

Escaping Nanjing’s Summer; 7 Natural Air Conditioners

With the hottest season of the year approaching and the school holidays either upon us or almost upon us, so many seek to escape the furnace that is Nanjing, choosing to travel to cooler cities for a summer break....

Summer Hits; Top 7 Running Spots for Joggers

For the joggers amongst us, it becomes a tricky task to find a suitable running route in a congested urban environment, especially when also factoring in traffic noise and pollution, as well as that rocketing mercury in the thermometer. Well-known...

China’s 4 Types of Entertainment TV; 3 are Fake

Entertainment television shows in China have experienced profound change over the last 30 years. From the beginning of the 1990s to the present, China's entertainment shows have experienced different stages of development, such as Hong Kong-Taiwan influenced, Europe influenced...

I’m Still Standing; Few Nanjing CD Shops Survive Online Assault

China is a fickle thing when it comes to technology; embracing the latest thing today and dumping it for something else tomorrow. So it is therefore coming to pass that the CD is now virtually all but a memory. What...

Their Home Expatria; Third Culture Kids & their Global Impact

To be born and raised in the same town, attend the same school and continue on to a local university is fast becoming a thing of the past. Further more so than attending a university not local to your...

The Evolution of Nanjing’s Xinjiekou

As the Central Business District (CBD) of Nanjing, Xinjiekou endlessly pumps life into the city’s economy, and acts as, not only the CBD, but also an important area for political and governmental exchange, as well as entertainment. As many...

Flight Attendants; Purses to Automatic & Shop Check

A Chinese-UK couple, who met in university, have succeeded in their dream of building a Boeing 737 flight simulator here in Nanjing. Now they just have to sell it to the Chinese airlines. At least it’s cheap, sort of. For...
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Foreigners Coming to Nanjing Return to Near Pre-COVID Levels

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Just how has Suzhou become a Hotbed for the Private Economy?

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Nanjing-Melbourne Flight Marks 45 Years as Sister State Friends

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News Snippets from Jiangsu