
Chess Brings International Culture to All at Jinling Library


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There are few things that unite the peoples of the world as much as the game of chess. In all its forms, whether it be Xiangqi and its Japanese, Korean or Indian counterparts, or the more widespread international chess, the game represents a battle between two armies, with the object of capturing the enemy’s king.

International chess remains ubiquitous in popular culture as a metaphor for conflict and power, but it also has very low barriers to entry; a board and a set of chess pieces costs very little. Chess players are also better informed than those who have never played chess; they are many times more likely to read more intellectual publications than non-chess players. Best estimates put the number of regular chess players worldwide at over 600 million.

For all these reasons, the Jinling Library in Nanjing is launching a series of chess salons, in addition to its regular competitions that are organised by the Chess Association. The Jinling College Chess & Coffee Chess Salon shall comprise various activities, including weekly sessions on Thursday evenings from 7 to 8.30 and chess paternity games every quarter. Chess teachers from professional teams, such as the chess coach of Jiangsu Chess, shall also be invited to be on hand to offer advice to participants.
也正是因为这样,除了举办国际象棋协会举办的定期比赛外,南京金陵书苑还推出了一系列的国际象棋沙龙。金陵书苑的Chess & Coffee沙龙包括各种活动,其中有每星期四晚上7点到8点30的一次国际象棋交流会,每季度举办一次国际象棋亲子游戏。江苏国际象棋教练等专业队伍的国际象棋教师也会应邀出席,为参赛者进行点评指导。

Those unfamiliar with the international version of the game, in international chess the pieces are much more mobile. The Queen in international chess has no equivalent in Chinese chess. Rooks, however are equal, while Knights in international chess are more powerful than, or at the very least, equal to, those in Chinese chess.

As a result, international chess can be thought of as less open and tactical, in part because there are many more pawns; it sometimes happens that opposing pawn chains lock into each other, blocking the advance of pieces in that part of the board. Such will never happen in Chinese chess.

Jinling Library Director, Zhang Weijia, is welcoming to all those interested in the game of chess, and hopes the salon may attract both novices and more experienced players, young and old alike. He commented, “我们做这个国际象棋沙龙,其实目的很简单,就是把我们身边所有喜欢国际象棋的朋友都能够邀请过来。因为,我们学国际象棋是因为对国际象棋感兴趣,但是我们更加需要一个平台去把大家聚在一起。来下棋来对弈找到一些共同点。”

In fact, the purpose of our chess salon is very simple, that is, to invite over all the friends around us who like chess. We may learn chess because of our interest in the game, but we have more need for a platform to get everyone together. Playing chess is a good way for us to find things in common”.

Those interested to participate may contact the Jinling College Chess & Coffee Salon via WeChat: seaman33
有兴趣参与的朋友可以联系金陵书苑 Chess & Coffee 沙龙,微信:seaman33

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