

On this Day in Chinese History; 30 January

This day, 30 January, in 2004, the “China-Arab States Cooperation Forum” was established during Chinese President Hu Jintao’s visit to the Arab League headquarters in Cairo, Egypt. This was to lead to a 2018 agreement to establish a future-oriented,...

When was the Last Time You Saw a Turtle Walk Backwards?

We are all on the move. The Earth orbits the sun, spins around on its own axis. The wind blows, trees waver in its breeze; waves rise and fall, seawater evaporates into the clouds, and drops back down in...

All Change Here for Nanjing Metro’s most Ridiculous Interchanges

Stepping off a Nanjing Metro train that has come into Nanjing South Railway Station from Lukou International Airport, there is immediately noticeable the several individuals who sprint the 15 metres or so across the platform to board an awaiting...

On the Move with an Existential Crisis

Let me set the scene…  I’m sitting outside Nanjing Railway Station on a slightly chilly November morning sipping on my Americano; too hot and bitter but I need it at this time of morning; and munching down my morning “baozi”....

The Rider; When a Mysterious Stranger Takes to the Silk Road…

The porter opened the caravanserai gates reluctantly. The rider was unusual. Caravans rode on a relay. They loaded priceless porcelains and sensuous silks in crates, onto the humps of Bactrian camels, rode west for days or weeks to the nearest...

The Building of Nanjing (22); Former British Embassy

With Nanjing as capital of China prior to Beijing, so too it was home to the embassies of many countries during the Republican era. Some are well preserved, still standing strong to this day and open to the public,...

Leaky Logic; How Britain Tried to Ruin the Teapot

The tea was oolong, with just a hint of Formosa-perfume-tanginess. Or was it a hint of detergent? Anyway, this was a nice restaurant, too nice for pouring spilt water onto the floor.  This was a rare lunch with my teenage...

Macau; Convergence of Catholicism & Global Cardinal to 100% Unashamed Capitalism

John Waite was belting out, “Missing You”, as we stepped into a taxi outside Macau International Airport. That, along with the fact that the vehicle was a Toyota Crown, affirmed that Macau is similar to Hong Kong, the Philippines...
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Foreigners Coming to Nanjing Return to Near Pre-COVID Levels

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Just how has Suzhou become a Hotbed for the Private Economy?

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Nanjing-Melbourne Flight Marks 45 Years as Sister State Friends

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