
No Salami (??!) but Sheer Quality of Pizza Forgives


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It’s about time we had a new Italian restaurant in Nanjing. Especially one called BioGreen. But the eco credentials seemingly end there…

But that it’s in Jiangning particularly spiked The Nanjinger’s interest, since this was a part of the city utterly devoid of a decent pizza. 

Not anymore.

Opened back in July, BioGreen is not the first restaurant we have reported on to open and be promptly hit by a COVID outbreak.

It’s also not the sort of place you’re going to stumble across, being located on Zhuangpai Lu that sees not much in the way of foot traffic, a little ways north of Dinosaur Mall, or to use its boring, proper name, 21st Century Sun City Mall.

But on to the pizza. The Nanjinger awarded 10/10 for that first out of the oven. We then promptly slashed five points off for not having any salami. In an Italian restaurant! We can just about see Henry Hill shaking his head from here.

Lack of cured sausage aside, BioGreen is serving up not only some of the best pizza in the city, it’s doing so at great-value prices. Think a 12-inch Marinara for as little as ¥38, Margherita for ¥48, seasonal Farm to Table Veg for ¥58 and Pineapple Salami Sausage for just ¥68.

Other than the chocolate dessert, the rest of the menu was a little disappointing, with steak, while definitely a decent cut of meat, turning out rather tasteless.

Then there was our unease at the wait staff who appear to be barely of legal working age and our statement that we prefer a paper menu which was met with… nothing.

But, given the lack of other options in Jiangning, it’s worth overlooking all that for the pizza alone. To would-be patrons, The Nanjinger says, “Phone ahead to check on the salami”.

To BioGreen itself, we say, “Less of the greenwashing, more of the waterfall window, kill the lights and get out the salt and pepper”.

BioGreen is located on 1F in building 2 of the Sanjiu Rainbow Valley 庄排路 159号三玖彩虹谷二号楼一楼. Tel 13914787730

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