
Feature Stories

Lies, Damned Lies; Fake Character is China’s Latest Big Business

Many of our alert readers will know of the expression, “Me and my yacht”. They will also be aware of the limits to the actual truth contained therein. Turns out that in China, this is a concept that has...

World Ready; Global Perspectives Educate New Chinese Character

Today, China is flourishing with an evolving education which propels the quality of the population and in turn, promotes social solidarity. Since arriving in Nanjing at the age of 2, I have personally felt the leaping social progress of...

In the Name of Morality; Key Influencers of Chinese Character

Social debate of so-called “moral abduction” has become popular in recent years in China. In the name of morality, people use excessive or even unrealistic standards to demand, coerce or attack others, and to influence their behaviour. Have you ever...

You’re on CCTV! China’s Ambivalence to the Surveillance State

According to the good book, Matthew, Chapter 7, Verse 3, states, “Before examining the splinter in my eye, first remove the rafter from your own”. So it goes with privacy. Could it be that many who are quite vocal about...

China’s Safety Culture; Grounded in Myth, Fact or history?

Taboo, originally the native language of Tonga Island in the South Pacific Polynesia, has two meanings; 1. "sublime", "sacred" and "inviolable"; 2. "dangerous", "prohibited" and "untouchable." According to the second, only if people believe and abide can their...

Practical Tips to Fight Six Internet Safety Traps in China

In today's society, it can be said that cybersecurity is closely related to every citizen. Nowadays, a mobile phone can make the road congestion situation clear at a glance, and you can buy pretty much everything without leaving your...

Smart Gyms Point the Way for Future Fitness

Fitness is in, as you may have noticed. But its future is smart. Just as well, since there is quite a lot of Chinese people, and they increasingly have very little time for fitness in their busy lives. This 8...

4,000 Years of Fitness; Workouts Invented by the Chinese

We see our grandmothers go square dancing; young people retreat to gyms in every corner of the city. Is fitness in China therefore an import?  Rather not. Long ago, in the absence of gyms, people needed to improvise in order to...
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Foreigners Coming to Nanjing Return to Near Pre-COVID Levels

Certainly it can be felt on the streets of Nanjing these days. Our city is once again “en vogue”...

Just how has Suzhou become a Hotbed for the Private Economy?

Suzhou’s GDP in the 1st quarter of this year topped half a trillion renminbi, a year-on-year growth of 7.9...

Nanjing-Melbourne Flight Marks 45 Years as Sister State Friends

Check in counters might be the oddest of places to hold an anniversary celebration for 45 years of ties...
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News Snippets from Jiangsu