On this Day in Chinese History; 13 July

FamilyMart Comes to Changzhou; Simultaneously Opens 5 Convenience Stores

Located in the most economically and consumer-active areas of Changzhou, the openings’ gift packs were sold out to crowds in seconds; ¥88 getting them...

3 Girls from Nanjing to Compete in Judo & Wrestling at Paris Olympics!

Out of the 10 athletes from Nanjing heading France, Hong Kexin is in the women's wrestling 57kg class, Xu Shiyan the women's judo +78kg...

Latest News

This day, 13 July, 2001, Beijing won the right to host the 29th Olympic Games in 2008 at the 112th plenary session of the International Olympic Committee held in Moscow. Upon hearing the news, a tidal wave of cheers swept through the people gathered at the China Millennium Monument, while 400,000 Beijing citizens spontaneously came to Tiananmen Square to celebrate the victory.

News in Brief

Countdown is on for Opening of Latest Mega Mall in Suzhou

With the handover ceremony for the 65,000 square metre Suzhou Wujiang Shengze Rainbow Shopping Centre recently held, so local residents can now look forward...

Cool off as Nanjing Opens Air Raid Shelters 09:00-17:00 Every Day

As per summer tradition, a total of 22 air raid shelters in Nanjing are now open to the public for free this year, offering...

Shared Mini E-scooters Come to Suzhou; Perfect for Restricted Spaces

Idealfor travel in relatively closed areas such as scenic spots, universities and industrial parks, the "Su Hui Xing” scooters have a range of 55km...

World’s Biggest Wedding City in Suzhou Launches Live Broadcast; 1.1 Million Watch

Huqiu Wedding City (HQ) launched the broadcast on 13 July as the world's largest distribution and purchasing centre for wedding dresses, where nearly 700...

Dream to be Pilot Comes True for 19 Year Old Boy in Nanjing Admitted to NUAA

With his father an air force pilot and dreams from a young age of taking to the blue skies himself one day, Zhao Qiyue...