
This Lifecycle Week – Smoking, and Media


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China as a haven for smokers is showing signs of disappearing. A few years ago, the local government introduced a regulation requiring restaurants to show “No Smoking” signs. That’s as far as it went, as there was no form of policing or enforcement, and ashtrays were still provided. Recent revamping of the regulation has little improved the situation. However, the word is that the national ban on smoking will be serious, and might be by the end of this year. Looks like the end is nigh! So smokers, either start your “quit” campaign, or get ready to step out into the cold for your fix.

Social media went berserk yesterday with, wait for it, wait for it, pictures of snow! Most were reinforced with the information that it was the first fall of the season. Very helpful to all those people who didn’t go outside or look out the window. [Also first time we’ve had snow in November since?? Ed.]

To our USA friends, if you cannot be with family, we hope you spend Thanksgiving with good friends. Be well and happy.

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