
The Lifecycle week – Farming and Metro


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The saga of the squatter farmer on the vacant lot is over. Previously, his plots were partially replaced by portable worker accommodation. The remainder of the lot is now being used to store huge quantities of soil being removed from another site. A man-made plateau has now covered all the remaining land to the height of a two storey building. The farmer has completely moved his operation to all the road verges in the area. How long will they survive there?

Strangely quiet. Having the two holidays so close together means people have disappeared. After a surge of socializing, everyone appears to be either away, or getting ready for the National Day Holiday (Why isn’t it called The National Week?)

While you were sleeping, the hard copy of The Nanjinger appeared at your favourite pickup point. In the next issue, the maps will be changed to show where Metro Line 4 will be. The line is currently being tested, and will commence operation in January(ish).

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