
Nanjing’s Lifecycle Week – Disappearance, and Mystery


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If you’ve walked past the Children’s Hospital in Guangzhou Lu, you’ve struggled past the sea of street vendors around the main entrance. Suddenly, last night, it all changed. Gone were the fruit sellers, the aroma of roasting nuts, and the tempting sweet morsels beckoning the nervous kids and anxious parents threading their way into the hospital. All that remains is a couple of wobbly carts festooned with flashing LEDs selling gaudy toys. There’s no sign of any police presence so what happened is anyone’s guess.

Further up the road, on the corner of Shanghai Lu, is another clear space. Usually, it is crowded with cars and bikes “temporarily” parking. All gone.

Which all leads to another mystery. A rectangle of carpet covers the stormwater drain grate in front of the little kiosk. Flash flood anyone?

After a run of single digit temperatures at night, don’t be fooled by the promised warmer weekend (cue golfers dancing). Winter is muscling in to Nanjing!

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