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It seems like it’s time to mention a few things for newbies in Nanjing. Theoretically, we should carry our passports with us at all times. However, keeping your passport safe is more important. The solution is to scan and print out copies of your passport, visa, and your residential registration (you have remembered to report to the police, haven’t you?). This will serve in most daily situations. Then you can keep your passport securely at home or in your office.

Traffic is another issue. Vehicles on two, three, or four wheels can come from any direction at any time, so keep looking both ways. While awareness of road rules has improved a little, they are honoured more in the fracturing than in obeying. And always assume that the person “in control” of the vehicle is looking at their portable device rather than the road.

Spread the word among the new arrivals. And offer them our very helpful “City Guide”, which fits neatly in a pocket and doesn’t need batteries!

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