
Lifecycle’s Week is Up and Out


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Our city changes at a staggering rate. However, even though it is so fast, we can become immune to it. It is almost that change is the normal. So it is a real eye-opener when a friend comes to visit after being away for years. Walking around town becomes a whole new experience as we can look through the eyes of another.

Climbers and shoppers? 30 April and 1 May sees the World Climbing Championships take place once again at the Asia Outdoor Sports Carnival in Pukou, this year joined by The Nanjinger’s very own Car Boot Sale! There shall be lots going on, and if you have access to a vehicle, it’s a chance to sell off some of your unwanted junk! More details coming soon…

Speaking of coming soon …. Hard copies of The Nanjinger should be out on Tuesday, while the online version is available now. Click here to download it, or any back issue of the magazine.

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