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It suddenly became worse. On top of the work for a metro station under Shanghai Lu (Line 5), the northern side of Guangzhou Lu down to Zhongshan Lu is now closed, allowing only eastbound traffic for the long city block. Even this flow has slowed to a crawl. So if you have a reason to attend Nanjing Children’s Hospital, don’t drive. Take a taxi or Didi [would the metro not be a better option? Ed].
On the subject of construction, the work near Xianlin Lake has escalated. It’s hard to say, but it appears that the small stream that bypasses the lake, is being diverted into the lake. Plenty of construction equipment, small earthen dams, and a massive water pump connected to a network of industrial hoses, all make for an exciting spectacle. Over one deep pit, a huge heavy duty crane has been erected.
The Nanjinger has made its appearance, so grab your copy now.
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