
LifeCycle News and Lake


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Over the last decade, the Chinese English language news service has improved enormously. Gone are the endless streams of irrelevant stories riddled with language mistakes. But it is still an arm of government. If you were interested in seeing which countries took pride in their own culture, you might watch the BRICS+ closing on Wednesday morning. Who was wearing something distinctly from their own country? The news story featured all the leaders, except the Indian Prime Minister. Is that saying something? Then the last image of the group. And there, in sea of Western style clothing, was the solitary figure of the elusive Prime Minister. And yes, he was wearing his excellent Indian style formal suit. Cultural pride!

The lumber at Xianlin Lake? One pile remains a jumbled mess, but the other pile has been neatly stacked. Still no sign of a purpose. And the mountainous wall of buildings at Xianlin’s Wanda Mall is approaching completion.

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