
Lakeside Lifecycle


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Events of note? The Nanjing Jazz and World Music Festival, the annual musical feast, has quietly come and gone for another year. Watch for it next October.

For those of British origin, Guy Fawkes night means something. For a little bit of home, make your way out to the British School Nanjing to celebrate the UK’s “Bonfire Night” (also known as “Cracker Night”) from 4pm to 8pm on the 5th. Check with the school for tickets.

XianLin Lake is shaping up well. A giant excavator is moving huge rocks into walls along a meandering path from an entrance to the lake. Mysterious piles of pipes and lumber abound, as earth-moving equipment, trucks, and humans beaver away in the fine autumn weather. When, oh when, will it be complete?

Our first hint of Winter has happened, when the temperature slipped below 10 for the first time the other night.

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