
First Rooster Lifecycle


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Misnamed? After our balmy Winter, Spring Festival should herald the move towards Summer. However, the weather gods are following a different playbook. No sooner than the said festival is more or less out of the way, the temperature plummets and our first snow, since the unseasonable November fall, sets in. Maybe our last chance to wear Winter coats?

It’s kind of eerie looking at building sites and seeing the giant cranes looming, unmoving, over their creations. However all is not quiet. There are still cleaning staff beavering around at ground level. Any thoughts on what there would be to clean up?

And on the subject of sites, another prominent building has all but disappeared. The festival caused a hiatus, but there is not much to show of the old Intermediate People’s Court in Guangzhou Lu. So now we wait with baited breath to see what will arise in its place.

So let’s get on with the Year of the Fire Rooster, not gold as appeared on some optimistic postings in social media.

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