
Xuzhou News

Incoming! Time for the Return of the Golden Ginkgo!

These trees are old. Really old. Older even than the city of Xuzhou in northwest Jiangsu. That it be the oldest city in the Province, dating back 6,000 years as a civilisation and over 2,600 years as a city,...

Post-90s Boy Donates Stem Cells to Save Complete Stranger

Stem-cell donation is not to be taken lightly. It is therefore noteworthy and highly commendable that a young man in our very own Jiangsu Province successfully donated stem cells for a positive match with a patient he had never...

Firefighters Rescue Her but Teenage Girl Suicide is Big Concern

Teenage girls are increasingly feeling the anxieties of growing up in modern Chinese society today, as illustrated by another adolescent attempt at suicide in the past few days, this time one which occurred in our very own Jiangsu Province. The...

Mother of 8 in Jiangsu Restrained in Hut by Chain Around Neck 

China’s internet has of late been alive with discussion over the case of a woman in northern Jiangsu who has mothered eight children but was made to live in a hut beside her family’s house, sometimes chained up by...

Introducing the Cities of Jiangsu