
Taizhou News

29 Year Old Infertile Lady Conceives in Taizhou after 4 Failed IVF Treatments

Infertility expert with Taizhou Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Wang Tieying found the lady had ovarian function equivalent to that of a 45-year old. Minimally-invasive surgery and a combination of Chinese and Western medicine led to a pregnancy. Full story...

Lucky Escape for High Schooler who has Cardiac Arrest on Taizhou Basketball Court

By pure chance, first aid volunteer Wang Hong was nearby and performed 2 minutes of CPR before the boy's breathing and heartbeat recovered. His knowledge and emergency skills earned him a thank you call from the boy’s mother. Full...

Newborn with Fractured Leg Result of Medical Malpractice by Hospital in Taizhou

After the baby’s birth, staff at Jingjiang People’s Hospital ignored its repeated crying. Admitting a skills issue was the cause, the Hospital cannot respond to the parents’ demands that it be responsible for subsequent issues with the child's legs....

Triathlon in Taizhou! Asia Cup Event Attracts Participants from 12 Countries

804 athletes and triathlon enthusiasts dived into the waters of the Qinhu Scenic Area in Jiangyan, Taizhou, at 09:00 on 11 May. This year’s Asian Cup is also a points race before the Paris Olympics. The Taizhou Triathlon dates...

Introducing the Cities of Jiangsu