
Taizhou News

Taizhou 2nd Wettest Place in the Country! Over 100MM in 24 Hours

Between 08:00 on 9 July and 7:00 on 10 July, 48 reporting stations with the Municipal Meteorological Bureau recorded rainfall of over 50mm, while Fenghuang Subdistrict recorded 103.6mm and Chengnan Subdistrict some 107.1mm. Full story (in Chinese) via this...

Self Driving Camping Leisure Equipment Exhibition Promotes Tourism in Taizhou

5 July saw the holding of the July 5, the 2024 "Summer Play in Sanshui, Happy Taizhou” tourism promotion event, with all-terrain vehicles, RVs, sightseeing jeeps, camping equipment and even high-altitude hot air balloons competing for attention. Full story...

Former Deputy Mayor and Party Secretary of City in Taizhou Dismissed

Liu Zhiming was among those on the list of appointments and dismissals made by Taizhou on 25 June. Liu had served as mayor and secretary of the municipal party committee of Taixing. He is undergoing disciplinary review. Full story...

Taizhou Born Academic Wins China’s Highest Science & Technology Award

Photogrammetry and remote sensing scientist Li Deren won the 2023 National Highest Science & Technology Award on 24 June in Beijing. Now aged 85, he continues working in the deployment of remote sensing satellites. Full story (in Chinese) via...

Introducing the Cities of Jiangsu