

Animal Database Established to Help Protect Wildlife in Jiangsu

An artificial-breeding database of wild animals in Jiangsu has been officially launched to innovate the protection and management of terrestrial local wildlife. Full story via this link.

Low-carbon Sacrifice Advocated for this year’s Tomb Sweeping Festival

Nanjing Municipal Funeral Management Office proposes eco-friendly options for the upcoming Festival, while requiring reservations be made online or by telephone. Full story via this link.

Digital RMB Payment Option Comes to Car Park in Nanjing

The first car park in Nanjing to support Digital RMB payment is that in the Hexi New City Mansion, offering citizens a more convenient and safe payment experience. Full story via this link.

¥1 Trillion Target for Investment into Rural Areas in Jiangsu

Jiangsu is pumping ¥75.7 billion into 743 major projects, including stable-agricultural production and digital farming, to drive private investment. Full story via this link.

First Pregnant Finless Porpoise Photographed Ever, in Nantong!

The waters off Binjiang Park were the scene for the sighting which Nantong Environmental Monitoring Centre was later able to confirm as an authentic pregnancy. Full story via this link.

60 Square Metre 3D Printed Building Completed in Record Time in Luhe

A first of its kind in China! The two-floor, fully-3D-printed building was completed in just 50 hours by Nanjing KENYO Precision Machine Manufacturing. Full story via this link.

Provisions for Women Workers’ Labour Protection Extends Maternity Leave

The Labour Law Supervision Committee of Trade Unions in Jiangsu Province reminds employers that female employees can now enjoy a maternity leave of 60 days. Full story via this link.

Goodbye to Tedious and Laborious Manual Quantifying of Rice Production

Professors at Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications are among a team pioneering a technique for counting rice plants using drones. Full story via this link.
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News Snippets from Jiangsu