

Classic Chinese Movie Projected onto Suzhou City Wall!

“A Chinese Odyssey Part One: Pandora’s Box” was shown in the Suzhou Panmen Scenic Area on 15 July as part of a China Film Archive series of activities. Full story via this link.

Snake Trapped in Bird Cage in Huai’an; Had Eaten 2 Parrots

A resident of Yingdong Development Zone went to give his birds water on 12 July; in their place was a snake bloated sufficiently to be unable to escape the cage. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.

Wuxi Commercial Street Sees “Binhu 717 – Colourful Night Life” Get Underway

A new-format festival is bringing the crowds to the 1.38-kilometre long Hubin Commercial Street in which nearly 400 merchants cater to summer evening demand. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.

¥20 Million in Fake Liquor Crushed in Taizhou Counterfeit Crack Down

Over 300 crates of liquor, including counterfeited Moutai, Wuliangye and Yanghe, were publicly destroyed this week by the Jiangyan Branch of Taizhou’s PSB. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.

Traffic Safety in Yangzhou Pushed by Police in “Red, Yellow, Green” Initiative

Traffic safety and the associated legal issues for rural villagers are largely the focus of the campaign that was launched on 13 July in Yangzhou’s Mingyue Lake Square. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.

Help Nanjing Xuanwu Lake Scenic Area Find a Double Lotus!

After tourists discovered a double pedicle lotus, cuddled up like a mother and child, the plant was found to have withered. The Area seeks help in finding more. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.

Suzhou “Rapunzel Syndrome” Sufferer Has 319 Gram Ball of Hair Removed

The 6-year old girl had the 8-centimetre long braid of hair, resembling six duck eggs, removed recently at the Children’s Hospital Affiliated to Suzhou University. Full story via this link.

7 on Trial for Manipulating ¥600 Million in Securities Market

Were they not stood in the Huai'an Intermediate People's Court, no one would have ever suspected that these seven ordinary-looking people were in fact financial predators who had manipulated the securities market, making hundreds of millions.  On 11 and 12...
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News Snippets from Jiangsu