

Wuxi Airport Accelerates Shuttle Bus Frequency to/from Suzhou

From 18 July, shuttle buses to downtown Suzhou out of Sunan Shuofang International Airport number 59 every day, one every 15 minutes during peak hours. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.

Death Penalty for Nantong Man in Murder over Glazed Tile Trading

Nantong Intermediate People's Court held that on 12 September, 2022, Cao Youchong stabbed Tu Guorui multiple times in the back, abdomen, chest, neck and elsewhere. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.

Changzhou Senior Saves Drowning Mother, Baby & 14 Year Old Son

Changzhou City in Jiangsu now has in it a true a hero in the form of a senior man who saved not one, but three lives, from a flooding local river, earning him more than a few thumbs up...

Party Member Dies Rescuing Drowning Woman from Nantong River

62-year old construction manager, Xu Hui, from Xining in Qinghai, was sucked into an underwater impeller after saving a lady from the Huangshui River. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.

Free Bus from Changzhou to Shanghai Pudong International Airport!

Changzhou’s special bus line upgrade to airports in the region means passengers flying Air China to an international destination out of Pudong travel free. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.

World Semiconductor Conference in Nanjing Touts New Future

The 2023 World Semiconductor Conference and Nanjing International Semiconductor Expo, opened on 20 July, explored future markets and industry opportunities. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.

“Love Freezer” for Delivery Riders Opened by Suqian Snack Bar Owner

When 28-year old, Zhang Han, set up the roadside freezer filled with bottles of water, a nearby shop owner provided it with power, while others continually refill it. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.

Pedro Delgado in 350,000 Euro Transfer to Suzhou Dongwu Football Club

The former Portuguese international and Inter Milan attacking midfielder transferred from Shandong Taishan on 19 July in a contract lasting until 31 December. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.
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News Snippets from Jiangsu