

Wuxi Cultural Venues’ Month Reflects Growing Interest in Traditional Culture

A total of 673 activities in Wuxi cultural venues have taken place, all of which expressing the openness, tolerance, innovation and creativity of Jiangnan culture. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.

Lotus Flowers & Jumping Fish are Hot New Draw at Nanjing Xuanwu Lake

Strolling along the shores of Xuanwu Lake can be extraordinarily cool, with the lotus in full bloom and plump fish jumping as attractions for camera-toting tourists. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.

Yangzhou Nurse Holidaying in Anhui Brings Drowned Boy Back to Life

After Shen Yuting, an obstetric nurse in Yangzhou, came across a drowning boy, it took her performing 12 cycles of CPR for the lad to regain consciousness. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.

Red Army Veteran & Huai’an Commander Dies Aged 107

Signing up at just 16, Yan Junjie, the last Red Army veteran in Gansu Province, had served post-1949 as Deputy Commander of the Huai'an Military Region. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.

Suzhou People Eat 430 Tonnes of “Su” Noodles Daily; Calls to Standardise

The formulation of “Guidelines for the Inheritance of Su-style Traditional Culture and Su-style Noodle Production Skills” was launched in Zhangjiagang on 8 August. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.

Changzhou Vocational College Website Hacked to Display Pornography

Hackers are thought to be responsible for the Changzhou Industrial and Trade Senior Technical School website showing pornography. The site has been shut down. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.

Tea Wars Turn High End Shopping Mall in to Vegetable Market

Consumers have turned out to be the real winners in recent days, as a war between milk tea brands in Suzhou’s top mall brought chaos, pandemonium and more than a few bargains to the throngs drawn in by the...

Dancing “Da Ma”! Suzhou Holds Fitness Square Dance Competition

A total of more than 200 people in 12 teams took part in the "Xujiang Cup” in Wuzhong District on 8 August, as means to celebrate the 15th National Fitness Day. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.
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News Snippets from Jiangsu