

Videos Emerge of Tornado in Yancheng Trashing Houses

Eyewitnesses said, “It was like a black eagle fell from the sky”. Two died as the tornado swept through Dafeng District of Yancheng at 16:15 on 13 August. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.

Wuxi Man Drives 1,148KM to Donate Free Flooded Car Repairs

Hearing the news of flooding, Li Shilu, a young man from Wuxi, Jiangsu, rushed to Zhuozhou to provide free emergency-repair services for local car owners. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.

2 Dead in Yancheng Tornado; Authorities Release “Self-Help Guide”

After yesterday’s tornado killed two and injured 15, Yancheng hopes people will keep the guide informing what to do if a tornado strikes when outdoors or at home. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.

Oktoberfest Begins! Beer, BBQ, Bouncy Castles & Music in Lianyungang

On the evening of 12 August, the festival kicked off in Huaguo Garden Art Street within the Lianyungang Garden Expo Park. Runs until 26 August. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.

Lost Old Man Spends 2 Days Sitting in Grasses in Yancheng

Cui Haibing is the good samaritan who found the man and took him to town to eat a bowl of beef noodles while waiting for officers from Dafeng Police Station. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.

30 Tonnes of Glass Shatters across 4 Lanes of Expressway in Taizhou

A truck carrying the glass made an emergency manoeuvre to avoid a collision on the Taizhou section of the G2 Beijing-Shanghai Expressway at 08:15 on 12 August. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.

Schools in Nanjing to Postpone Return from Summer Break by 3 Days

With 1 September a Friday, so the decision to delay the new academic year. Teachers start on 31 August; schools and kindergartens on 4 September. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.

Birthday Party Put on for Pair of Pandas Turning 7 in Nantong

The Giant Panda House in Nantong Forest Safari Park prepared birthday cakes made of bamboo and fruit, for "Xinghui" and “Xingfan" who turned 7 on 12 August. Full story (in Chinese) via this link.
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News Snippets from Jiangsu