
Huai'an News

Sudden Deafness Grips Huai’an Girl Preparing for Post Grad Entrance Exam

Excessive wearing of headphones is presumed the cause of the 23-year old’s condition, exacerbated by anxiety leading to insomnia and hair loss. A combination of western and Chinese medicine restored her hearing in 1 week. Full story (in Chinese)...

Vulture Returns to Huai’an; GPS Implant Tracks Mysterious Migration Path

Normally only found at high altitude, the bird was named “Vulture No.1” after its first appearance in Xuyi County of Huai’an in January, 2023. Now it’s back, appearing to enjoy Baima Lake Wetland, recognised as an internationally important wetland....

¥4.56 Billion to be Invested in Ecological Clear Water in Huai’an this Year

Upgrading sewage treatment plant, dredging canals and improving their water quality, undertaking ecological transformation of ponds and implementing water quality monitoring systems are among the projects earmarked by Huai’an in 2024. Full story (in Chinese) via this link; read...

Sea Bass Pricks Huai’an Woman’s Finger; TCM to the Rescue after 4 Years of Pain

Ms. Wang sought medical treatment and spent over 10,000 since the 2019 incident which left a needle-sized wound that swelled abnormally and repeatedly oozed pus. Only now was Huaian Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine able to cure her. Full story...

Introducing the Cities of Jiangsu