
Breaking News out of Yangzhou of Late

2,000 Children in Need’s Wishes Realised in Yangzhou by Volunteers over 10 Years

Dai Chenghong, director of the Yizheng Office of the Yangzhou Citizen Observer Association commented on the “Micro Wish” project, saying, “The children’s wishes are actually very simple, and their requirements are not high”. Full story (in Chinese) via this...

Ride Hailing Driver Swaps License Plates in order to Enter Yangzhou Communities 

Banned from a ride-hailing platform, the driver surnamed Wang, bought a fake plate to avoid being flagged by plate recognition technology upon entering communities. Police caught him for covering the green plate with a smaller blue one. Full story...

Compulsory 3D Glasses Purchase & Good Review Rebates found by Yangzhou Watchdog 

It was a sports goods factory in Jiangdu District which was found by Yangzhou Municipal Market Supervision Bureau to be offering cash rebates for positive reviews, while the cinema in question had made 2,935 forcible sales of 3D glasses....

Philippine Crew Member’s Mother Dies while Son is Docked in Yangzhou

Yangzhou border inspection stepped in quickly to assist the crew member on the Portuguese registered vessel in returning to his country by issuing a temporary entry permit, and helping for him to disembark and take a flight home. Full...

8 March! Local Media Celebrate Women in Roles Traditionally Dominated by Men

The Yangtze Evening News profiles Yu Mengquan, a flight dispatcher working in the Spring Airlines Air Operations Centre in Yangzhou. One of seven such dispatchers employed nationally by the Airline, Yu says she is helping to break gender labels....

Latest Reviews

Saddle up, Nanjingers! There’s a New Indian in Town

This correspondent hails from a small town in the Scottish Highlands. Remote...

Weaving Magic with Craft Beer by Nanjing’s Qinhuai River

T’was said, back in the day, that civilisation in Nanjing was a...

Rural Thailand Comes to Nanjing. And it’s Magnificent!

Never ever judge a book by its cover. It may look like...