Guide to Nanjing Community Events

The Nanjinger Community Events

Add your community event to The Nanjinger for free! No registration required! Plan your event around/in conjunction with others!

The Nanjinger’s Community Events calendar is intended to be the go-to place for events in Nanjing involving the international community. While considering to submit an event, you may like to bear in mind the following, after which you should submit your event by clicking here!

1. After you have successfully submitted your event, it shall be published pending approval, whereupon you shall also receive an email confirmation. Approval is likely to take place within minutes.
2. As a time saver to you, a user login is not required to submit an event. However, this means you shall not be able to change the details of your event after submission. Should you require to do so, please contact us via, using the name and email address used during submission, whereupon we shall be happy to make the change on your behalf.
3. The purpose of this facility is to inform the general public as to community events happening in the Nanjing area. While we recognise almost every event need have a commercial element, events deemed to be overly commercial may well not be approved.

It is also possible that The Nanjinger may be interested in publishing photos from your event, after it takes place, in the popular photo pages section of the magazine. Should you like to pursue this possibility, please contact us via, using the name and email address used during submission of the event. Note that conditions apply.