
Renée Gray Beaumont

Shanghai Lu Keeps Ticking

Where not-so-long-ago was La Villa, now stands Clockwork, another addition to the beer bar revolution. With its industrial look, Clockwork sells itself as the epitome of Chinese trends. Drinkers are greeted with English quotes glowing in...

The Knowledge

“Shifu?” I ask, “shifu? Ting bu jian ma?” With no response, I peer over the front seat. “Ke’chink”, goes the lighter, blazing up another Nanjing Gold as he simultaneously gags up impressive fat greeny phlegm and spits it out...

China Takes Chernobyl to Greener Pastures

It is now 30 years since the worst nuclear power plant accident in history; the Chernobyl disaster that comprised a destructive steam explosion within a nuclear reactor and the subsequent release of radioactive isotopes into the atmosphere around Pripyat,...

Sisters United; W5MEN

The lady next to me gasped when an unexpected screech burst from one of the dancers. The woman in front frantically snapped the camera button on her phone, then there rippled all around the sound of shutters and whispers....

Second Hand Silk

Growing up, I was made aware of what was to be handed down to me after there was to be a death in the family, what family heirloom, so precious it was priceless would some day be mine. ...

The Genuine Article

As can be seen blow, 2015 was not a good year for exports from Australia to China. That is why the recently signed Free Trade Agreement between the two countries is such great news. The Nanjinger...

Sino Plonker; Glasses Run Red in China

Traditionally and officially, the colour red undoubtedly represents China. It embodies a sense of power, good fortune and joy, so it is no wonder red wine has been embraced like non other in todays modern China. Along with other...

Top Suicide Location to Close (for Repairs)

Nanjing’s iconic Yangtze River Bridge that has been a major passageway between north and south China since its opening in 1968 will officially close on 28th October for a lengthy 27 months due to repairs. Speaking...

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Foreigners Coming to Nanjing Return to Near Pre-COVID Levels

Certainly it can be felt on the streets of Nanjing these days. Our city is once again “en vogue”...

Just how has Suzhou become a Hotbed for the Private Economy?

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Nanjing-Melbourne Flight Marks 45 Years as Sister State Friends

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